Nouchi as a sociolinguistic phenomenon: defining the status
Nouchi, French, pidgin, argot, mixed language, Ivory CoastAbstract
The current linguistic situation in Ivory Coast in the last half century seems quite dynamic, not only because of the interaction between the French language and the local Ivorian languages, but also because of the emergence of a unique linguistic code called Nouchi. It is therefore important to examine the sociolinguistic situation in the country, as well as the preconditions for the emergence and rapid development of Nouchi. The article reveals the stages of the evolution of Nouchi and the change of its functions: Nouchi ceased to be the secret language of a small part of the urban population of Ivory Coast,
becoming the language of self-identification of Ivorians. It is important to define the current status of the Nouchi. However, this issue is debatable due to the unstable terminological apparatus of contact linguistics as a relatively young science and the dynamic changes in the language code itself. The authors
examine in detail such terms as 'argo', 'mixed language' and 'pidgin' and conclude that there are reasons to consider Nouchi a pidgin today. The article highlights the positive attitude of the Ivorians towards this language code, but also mentions some concerns of the educated part of the population about the fate of the French language.
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