Formation of Computational Linguistics Terminology
computational linguistics, terminology, periods of development, diachronic analysis, automatic natural language processingAbstract
An important role in the study of terminology is played by the study of its formation in the diachronic aspect. Despite the rapid development of the field of computational linguistics, there are practically no works on the analysis of the processes of evolution of the corresponding terminology. The purpose of this study is to study the processes of formation and formation of the terminology of computational linguistics, to identify the main periods of its development. The study was conducted on the basis of the method of diachronic analysis. To study the processes of formation and development of the terminology under study, factual material was used in the form of texts on the subject of computational linguistics, published in monographs, reference books, educational literature, scientific periodicals and collections, online electronic resources. As a result of the study, three main periods of the formation of the terminology of computational linguistics were identified. The first period is characterized by the formation of the terminology under study under the influence of linguistic terms. In the second period, the terminology of computational linguistics was formed under the influence of mathematical statistics terms. In the third period, the replenishment of the studied terminology is carried out by neural network terms. The results of the study showed that the terminology of computational linguistics is in a state of continuous dynamics. The obtained results contribute to the study of the problems of scientific and technical terminology, substantiation of trends in its development.
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