The Ideology of Limited Subjectivity in Writings of Modern Russian Publicists: Essence and Methods of Implementation


  • Valeriy Y. Merinov Belgorod National Research University



Russian journalism, discourse, ideology, critical discourse analysis, contemporary art, cultural issues in Russian journalism


The article introduces the concept of “ideology of limited subjectness” into scientific circulation, gives the general parameters of this ideology, in the context of well-known socio-political and socio-psychological concepts. On the example of the publications of contemporary Russian authors, an attempt is made to show how the ideology of limited subjectivity realizes itself in texts devoted to issues of art. In particular, the role of the category of obligation, the paternalistic (caring and omnipotent) state, the moral approach to the interpretation of a work of art and the figure of its author, the moral duty to the collective or abstract Whole, the construction of the conflict of the great past and the degrading, chaotic present, the priority of collective identity over individual, as structures for the subordination of individual will (restriction of independent choice) to collective goals. In addition, it has been suggested that the ideology of limited choice realizes itself through an apology for the artistic direction of classical realism (in which the features of isolation, focus on "one's own", ethnocentrism, etc. are actualized). In addition, the author believes that perhaps one of the most effective tools for introducing the ideology of limited subjectivity is the authors' appeal to the art of socialist realism, within which their approval of the activities of large and small total collectives (from the state to the labor collective) is of great importance, as well as the concept of a collective personality is affirmed, fully realizing its potential within total collectives and the circumstances presented as an exemplary, standard of socio-political behavior.

Author Biography

Valeriy Y. Merinov, Belgorod National Research University

Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Journalism of the Institute of Social Sciences and Mass Communications, Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod, Russia.


Список источников

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Список литературы

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Abstract views: 65




How to Cite

Merinov, V. Y. (2022). The Ideology of Limited Subjectivity in Writings of Modern Russian Publicists: Essence and Methods of Implementation. Issues in Journalism, Education, Linguistics, 41(4), 640-650.



Journalism and public relations