Structural and Semantic Components Analysis of Phraseological Composition Peculiarities in Austrian German


  • Yana V. Lazareva Belgorod National Research University



phraseology, cultural code, Austrian German, gluttonym component, gastronomic code, phraseological picture of the world


 The article is aimed at identifying the specific characteristic features of the phraseological picture of the world (based on the example of the Austrian

German language and culture) which implements the features of modern Austrian gastronomic culture. The author analyzes the culture of Austria, namely, reveals the specifics of the national gastronomic code that formulates the national picture of the world through the functioning of phraseological units with the gluttonym component in the Austrian German language, which are taken as an integral part of the national Austrian culture. The practical part of the research work is based on the identification of the most and least productive gluttonym components in the Austrian phraseological units that make the basis of modern linguoculture in Austria: the most frequent are Laberl – a slice of bread; Nudel – noodles; Brösel – a dish of wheat and oat flour, Butter – butter; in the rank of the least used in modern Austrian German are such gluttonym components as Würstel – sausage, Schmarr(e)n – schmarren (national delicacy dish). In conclusion, the author stresses, gluttonym components are the part of the phraseological units, they are the necessary building material being the necessary element to craete a picture of the world and develop the unique characteristics of the modern Austrian German language.

Author Biography

Yana V. Lazareva, Belgorod National Research University

Assistant of the Department of the Second Foreign Language, Institute of Intercultural Communication and International Relations, Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod, Russia.


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Abstract views: 110




How to Cite

Lazareva, Y. V. (2022). Structural and Semantic Components Analysis of Phraseological Composition Peculiarities in Austrian German. Issues in Journalism, Education, Linguistics, 41(4), 747-755.


