Image-making content of a teacher’s personality in a modern educational space
image of a teacher, structure of an image, functions of an imageAbstract
In the context of expanding international cooperation and an increase in the number of
participants in academic mobility programs, the level of foreign language training is of particular
importance. The purpose of this experimental study is to determine the content and structure of imagemaking
characteristics for future teachers of a foreign language. In this regard, the question arises about
the professionally, socially and personally effective teacher acting in the modern educational space. What
personal qualities are necessary for future teachers who will work in “schools of the future”? To achieve
the stated goal, we studied the concept of “image”; investigated the structure and functions of the image
of a foreign language teacher; conducted a survey among students of the department of “Pedagogical
Education”, the specialization “Foreign Languages”, as well as among pupils of the 9th and 10th grades
of schools in the city of Pskov and their parents in order to determine the components of the image of the
teacher that are important for them; on the basis of the theoretical and methodological base, we developed
guidelines for forming the image of a future teacher of a foreign language.
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