Pedagogical Training for Future Managers to Protection from Information Stress


  • Oksana M. Volodko Belarusian National Technical University



information space, information stress, stress prevention, information redundancy, inconsistency, stress resistance


The relevance of the topic lies in the fact that the work of managers is associated with an increased information load, often leading to stress, which many of them are not ready to cope with. This also applies to graduates in this specialty. In pedagogical science, issues of protection from general stress are considered, but the prevention of information stress is not sufficiently represented, which is especially important for the specialty "management". The purpose of the study is to identify pedagogical ways and means of increasing the stress resistance of future leaders to redundant and contradictory information in the course of their professional training at a university. The study defines the content of the pedagogical preparation of students for the prevention of information stress in the course of the educational process: the study of the information space; development of personal beliefs; "selection" and analysis of new information. The specificity of the information space is revealed in two phenomena: the way of life and the conditions of communication. The information features in the content of the main academic disciplines are shown on the example of the specialty "management". It has been established that personal beliefs create a basis for protection from information stressors, provide "constructive behavior" of a person in difficult situations. The possibilities of "selection" of newly incoming information are explored: prevention of information overload and "sifting" of information. The ways of development of students' critical approach to evaluation and analysis of newly incoming information have been explored. Manipulation methods are disclosed: incompleteness and subjectivity of information; exaggeration of the positive and concealment of the negative, substitution of concepts and juggling of facts. Decision-making techniques are presented for redundant or incomplete information.

Author Biography

Oksana M. Volodko, Belarusian National Technical University

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, associate professor of the Department of Management, doctoral student, Belarusian National Technical University, Minsk, Belarus.


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Abstract views: 69




How to Cite

Volodko, O. M. (2023). Pedagogical Training for Future Managers to Protection from Information Stress. Issues in Journalism, Education, Linguistics, 42(3), 441-448.


