Application principles of folklore tradition folk instruments in folk singing performance (“Folklore tradition folk instruments” teaching discipline inquiries)
folk education, syncretism, folklore, regionality, song genre, musical accompanimentAbstract
The appeal of future leaders of folk singing groups to various instruments of folk tradition is
due to the increased interest of musicians in folk peasant-Posad musical and instrumental culture, as well
as the task of preserving the style of song and instrumental language, which helps to create an ethnic
artistic image of folk works. The specifics of the use of traditional folk instruments in folk-singing
performance has its own characteristics, due to the syncretic nature of folk art. The authors present a
proven system of using folk instruments of the folk tradition in folk singing performance, based on the fundamental principles: preserving the traditions of folk performance (regionality, genre correspondence,
solo or ensemble character of accompaniment); the convenience of vocal and choral performance, taking
into account the composition, timbres, tessitura capabilities of performers and the expediency of
instrumental and melodic movement; taking into account the regularities of musical accompaniment of
works that determine whether the means of expression of instruments correspond to the nature, content,
stylistic and genre features of the musical material. The principles of application of folk instruments of
folklore tradition in folk-singing performance identified and systematized as a result of the research can
serve as a theoretical and methodological basis for organizing the educational process in educational
institutions of culture and art in the discipline "Folk instruments of folklore tradition".
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