Simulation Modeling in the Training of Classroom Teachers: Requirements for Additional Professional Program


  • Alexey A. Miroshnichenko Korolenko Glazov State Engineering and Pedagogical University
  • Natalia P. Ivanova Korolenko Glazov State Engineering and Pedagogical University
  • Elena V. Isupova Korolenko Glazov State Engineering and Pedagogical University



quality of education, educational situation, resolution of educational situations, simulation modeling, risk factors for reducing educational results, advanced training courses, teacher training


The main role in ensuring the quality of the educational process is played by the teacher, including the class teacher, who directly carries out educational work. The increasing the importance of education, the introduction of new forms of educational work entails the need to train teaching staff capable of achieving the actual goals of education. The presented work is a stage of research conducted within the framework of a state assignment. The purpose of the article is to determine the requirements for the content and process of implementing an additional professional program for preparing classroom teachers to resolve educational situations. The results of a survey of teachers performing the functions of classroom teachers for their readiness to successfully resolve educational situations as a result of mastering additional professional education programs are presented. The analysis of the reasons preventing such a resolution is carried out, the expectations of classroom teachers from the results of training in additional education programs in the form of advanced training courses are specified. The results of the survey of heads of educational organizations are also presented. On their basis, a bank of educational situations was formed and their distribution was carried out according to the participants of the situations, as well as according to the risk factors for reducing the educational results of students, producing the most relevant educational situations, for the resolution of which classroom teachers should be trained. The analysis of the forms of reality was made, in which, at the subsequent stages of our research, it is planned to describe and implement scenarios for the resolution of simulated educational situations. Based on the method of group expert assessments, the preferred forms of reality for their simulation in the university technopark have been identified. Based on the presented results, the requirements for the development and implementation of additional professional programs that ensure the training of classroom teachers to resolve educational situations are determined.

Acknowledgements: The study was carried out under the project "Simulation Modeling of Educational Situations by Classroom Teachers in the University Technopark", with the financial support of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation within the framework of the state assignment (supplementary agreement of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and the Korolenko Glazov State Engineering Pedagogical University No. 073-03-2024-058/1 dated 02/13/2024 to Agreement No. 073-03-2023-058 dated 01/19/2024, R&D registration number 1023082200017-6-5.3.1).

Author Biographies

Alexey A. Miroshnichenko, Korolenko Glazov State Engineering and Pedagogical University

doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, head of the department of Pedagogy and Psychology, Korolenko Glazov State Engineering and Pedagogical University, Glazov, Udmurt Republic, Russia.

Natalia P. Ivanova, Korolenko Glazov State Engineering and Pedagogical University

candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, Korolenko Glazov State Engineering and Pedagogical University, Glazov, Udmurt Republic, Russia.

Elena V. Isupova, Korolenko Glazov State Engineering and Pedagogical University

senior lecturer at the Department of Music Education, postgraduate student at the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, Korolenko Glazov State Engineering and Pedagogical University, Glazov, Udmurt Republic, Russia


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Abstract views: 75




How to Cite

Miroshnichenko, A. A., Ivanova, N. P., & Isupova, E. V. (2024). Simulation Modeling in the Training of Classroom Teachers: Requirements for Additional Professional Program . Issues in Journalism, Education, Linguistics, 43(2), 174-188.


