Introduction of Graphical Borrowings of AI Terminology into the Classification of Non-native Vocabulary of the Chinese language


  • Dmitrii A. Balanchukov Belgorod State National Research University
  • Igor V. Chekulai Belgorod State National Research University



Chinese, Chinese language, artificial intelligence, Mandarin, AI, terminology, borrowings, Putonghua


The development of technology and globalization have led to more foreign vocabulary in any relatively common language, including Chinese. Graphic borrowings are common among the borrowings of terminology in the Chinese language, especially in the field of artificial intelligence, but the traditional classifications of Chinese borrowed vocabulary do not include this method, which is relatively new to the Chinese language. The purpose of the study is to prove that the graphical method of borrowing is an actual way to replenish the Chinese vocabulary, and to complement the traditional classifications of non–native vocabulary with it. In the course of the research, terms from the field of artificial intelligence representing each of the groups of borrowings from the new classification are analyzed. The most common borrowings in all areas are traditionally semantic, but graphical borrowings are also common in the field of artificial intelligence, which distinguishes it from other areas of the Chinese language. As a result of the study, an updated classification of borrowed vocabulary in the Chinese language was obtained, suitable for the analysis and consideration of modern Chinese vocabulary. This classification and examples of borrowed terms from the field of artificial intelligence may be useful to Chinese linguists and programmers interested in the development of artificial intelligence in the People's Republic of China.

Author Biographies

Dmitrii A. Balanchukov, Belgorod State National Research University

Postgraduate Student of the Institute of Cross-cultural Communication and International Relations


Igor V. Chekulai, Belgorod State National Research University

Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Department of English Philology and Intercultural Communication


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Abstract views: 18




How to Cite

Balanchukov, D. A., & Chekulai, I. V. (2024). Introduction of Graphical Borrowings of AI Terminology into the Classification of Non-native Vocabulary of the Chinese language. Issues in Journalism, Education, Linguistics, 43(4), 486-495.


