Interaction of mass media and society: agenda analysis
agenda, information, social media, society, mediaAbstract
The digitalization of modern society has a significant impact on its public space. Modern public space is structured by the main content-semantic components of agendas. The media and modern social media play an important role in the functioning of this communication space. Despite the fact that this topic has received a lot of attention from both Russian and foreign scientists, the relationship between the content of the agendas of the media and social media has been insufficiently studied. In this regard, the author has carried out a comparative analysis of the information agendas of various media and social media. The research results are consistent with the existing thesis on the differentiation of modern public space. The communicative and content-semantic fields that are formed in it are characterized by different narratives. A thematic coincidence between the content of the news agenda of a television channel and the agenda of modern social media is noted in the study. The indicators of the coefficient of contingency between the information agendas of the media and social media are established in the course of the analysis. It indicates the peculiarities of the process of setting the media agenda and the participation of various political and social actors in this process.
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