Evaluative and semantic analysis of English adjectives with the meaning of ‘attractiveness’
assessment, lexical and semantic variant, synonym, sema, evaluationAbstract
In modern linguistics the issues related to the combinatorial potential of lexical units are of high priority. This is justified by the fact that the word functions in the language are observed not as a separate unit, but in connection and relations with other units of the same level. The aim of the research, on the one hand, is to reveal features of the semantic combinatorics of the adjectives beautiful, lovely, attractive, pretty, charming in English and Russian, which are widely used to express the meaning of ‘attractiveness’ and, on the other hand, to study and analyze the functional features of the named adjectives depending on the structural diagram they belong to. The study of an adjective as a part of speech is justified by a number of reasons. The main one is that use of an adjective obviously demonstrates abstractive and analyzing cognitive activity of a person. A feature, property, quality, which constitute the inalienable essence of an object, are thought in abstraction from it. The demonstration of the functional differences between adjectival lexemes are terminated by their semantic structure and semantic composition. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the study of the conceptual substrate, which is activated when the studied adjectives enter a certain structural scheme, which makes it possible to identify their combinatorial capabilities. As a result, it was proved that lexemes, which include the studied adjectives, actualize different lexical and semantic variants depending on the distribution of one or another lexical unit.
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