Retrigging Articles

Retraction (recall) of an article is a procedure for correcting published information and notifying readers that the publication contains serious flaws or erroneous data that cannot be trusted 

Reasons for revoking an article:

  • detection of incorrect borrowings (plagiarism) in an article;
  • duplication of an article in several editions;
  • detection in an article of falsifications or fabrications (for example, manipulation of experimental data);
  • detection of serious errors in an article (for example, misinterpretation of results) that cast doubt on its scientific value;
  • incorrect composition of authors (there is no one who deserves to be an author; persons who do not meet the criteria for authorship are included);
  • conflict of interest (and other violations of publication ethics) is hidden;
  • republishing an article without the consent of the author;
  • the article did not go through the peer review procedure.

Article recall (retraction) is carried out at the official request of the author (authors), the editorial board of the Journal, the RAS Commission to Combat Research Falsification, as well as after the Journal's internal examination of the article. 


If the editorial board makes a decision to retract the article based on its expertise or information received by the editorial board, it is important to inform the authors / group of authors about the decision. The author (lead author in the case of collective authorship) must be sure to familiarize with the wording justifying the retraction of the article.

Having decided to retract the article, the editors indicate the reason for the retraction (if plagiarism is found, the sources of borrowing is indicated), as well as the date of retraction. The article and the description of the article remain on the website of the Journal as part of the corresponding issue of the Journal, but the inscription ОТОЗВАНА / RETRACTED and the date of retraction are applied to the electronic version of the text, the same label is placed in the article in the table of contents of the issue. N.B. 

The decision to retract an article from publication is made by the Editorial Board of the Journal, formalizing it with the appropriate protocol.

The authors of the article may disagree with the position of the Editorial Board, but this does not cancel its right to conduct the procedure. 

Protocols with a decision to withdraw articles must be sent to:

  • the NEL (National Electronic Library) ( (Upon receipt of an application for retraction, information about the article and the full text remain on and in CyberLeninka, but the information on retraction is added. Retracted articles and references from them are excluded from the RSCI (Russian Science Citation Index) and do not participate in the calculation of indicators);
  • CyberLeninka;
  • В the Council on the Ethics of Scientific Publications (to enter information into a single database of retracted articles).


Information on retracted articles:

Protocol # 1 from August 14, 2019.
Protocol # 1 from February 3, 2025.