Gastronomic Code as the Mean Linguistic and Cultural Environment Reflection (Based on the Example of African Langyages and Cultures)


  • Tatiana G. Voloshina Belgorod National Research University
  • Yana A. Glebova Belgorod National Research University



cultural code, gastronomic code, linguocultural picture of the world, African linguoculture, cassava, autochthonous languages


The article deals with the analysis of specific features of the cultural code implementation in the process of formation and development of national linguistic culture processes which are among the topical issues of modern linguistic research. The research work is aimed at analyzing the peculiarities of the African gastronomic language and culture representation procedure revealed by investigation of local lexical variants lexemes denoting legumes functioning in Nigerian English. The research work analyzes the linguistic and cultural specificity of the cassava lexeme functioning in autochthonous languages during the adaptation process to the requirements of numerous local cultures and languages. The work identifies the most productive lexemes (used by educated Africans in daily communication), meaning the cassava product which include manioka, tapioca, cassava, and they are in the course of communication often replaced by lexical analogues of autochthonous languages such as roogòò in the Hausa language, mbay in the Fula language; while the Yoruba ethnic group uses the lexeme ɛgɛ, and for the autochthonous Mandae languages  the banakun lexeme is more preferable. To conclude, the gastronomic code of Nigerian culture is the reflection of the linguistic and cultural picture of the world formulated during the contact interaction of the British English language and the autochthonous languages and cultures of Nigeria. The lexical variants of the manioka lexeme identified in the course of the research work, simultaneously functioning in modern autochthonous languages, make the ground of the gastronomic map of the Nigerian languages and cultutes.

Author Biographies

Tatiana G. Voloshina, Belgorod National Research University

Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of the Second Foreign Language of the Institute of Intercultural Communication and International Relations, Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod, Russia

Yana A. Glebova, Belgorod National Research University

Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of the Department of the Second Foreign Language of the Institute of Intercultural Communication and International Relations, Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod, Russia


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Abstract views: 101




How to Cite

Voloshina, T. G., & Glebova, Y. A. (2022). Gastronomic Code as the Mean Linguistic and Cultural Environment Reflection (Based on the Example of African Langyages and Cultures). Issues in Journalism, Education, Linguistics, 41(4), 707-714.


