Linguistic Representation of the ‘British Identity’ Concept Dynamics in the Discourse of Political Journalism


  • Olga D. Vishnyakova Lomonosov Moscow State University
  • Vladimir I. Suslov Lomonosov Moscow State University
  • Elizaveta A. Vishnyakova Tolstoy Tula State Pedagogical University
  • Elana V. Margania Abkhaz State University



linguo-culturology, linguo-conceptology, concept, the English language, the British Identity, mass media


The goals of this research are mainly two-fold: first, to convey an executive summary regarding the theoretical foundations of linguo-conceptual and linguo-cultural studies; and secondly, to identify and explore the dynamics of the conceptual framework of the 'British identity' concept at the level of language and the way it is represented in British political discourse. That is, the manner in which it evolves to meet the expectations from British government officials to serve the purpose of achieving particular objectives, while taking into account the specific functioning of the pertinent linguistic entities in articles published in the most acknowledged British newspaper, 'The Guardian,' with an emphasis on the actualization of evaluative features at the linguistic level. The study methodology encompasses intra-linguistic, conceptual, comparative, and functional-stylistic analyses, which provide the most comprehensive picture of the behaviour of the linguistic-conceptual object under consideration. The research findings reveal that the subject-specificity of the concept of "British identity, which acts as both a political and cultural concept in some circumstances, leads to inconsistent inferences and judgements in various ideological contexts, particularly in political journalism. As a consequence, the author concludes that the subject is relevant at this time in the evolution of the British media and requires more investigation, particularly in terms of language and British national linguistic legacy in general.

Author Biographies

Olga D. Vishnyakova, Lomonosov Moscow State University

Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of English Linguistics, Philological Faculty


Vladimir I. Suslov, Lomonosov Moscow State University

Postgraduate student, teacher of English at the Department of Foreign Languages, Faculty of Economics


Elizaveta A. Vishnyakova, Tolstoy Tula State Pedagogical University

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the English Language Department


Elana V. Margania, Abkhaz State University

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of History and Theory of International Relations



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Minyar-Beloroucheva A., Sergienko P., Vishnyakova E., Vishnyakova O. 2020. New linguiodidactic challenges in teaching professionally oriented english as referred to pr education. In: European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences EPSBS. Topical issues of linguistics and teaching methods in business and professional communication (Moscow, 24–25 April, 2020). Future Academy (online), 97 (TILT): 539–547. DOI: 10.15405/epsbs.2020.12.02.72

Vishnyakova O., Minyar-Beloroucheva A., Sergienko P., Vishnyakova E. 2020. Harmonizing Different Cognitive Styles Through Reading. In: Conference Proceedings of the 5th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences. Belgrade, Serbia, 17–30. DOI: 10.32591/coas.e-conf.05.02017v

Abstract views: 17




How to Cite

Vishnyakova, O. D., Suslov, V. I., Vishnyakova, E. A., & Margania, E. V. (2024). Linguistic Representation of the ‘British Identity’ Concept Dynamics in the Discourse of Political Journalism. Issues in Journalism, Education, Linguistics, 43(3), 343-354.


