The Concepts of “Country House” and “Usadba” in English and Russian Linguistic Cultures
linguistic culture, estate, dacha, country house, house, home, conceptAbstract
The concepts of “Country House” and “Usadba” express the characteristics of a certain lifestyle associated with village life, nature, and solitude. The study of these concepts allows a deeper understanding of their cultural heritage, changes in their perception and use over time, as well as the impact on modern public ideas about space, comfort, and home organization. Despite the cultural and historical significance of the concepts, they have not been studied thoroughly in modern Russian and foreign linguistics. The purpose of this study was to identify common and specific features of the “Country House” and “Usadba” concepts in English and Russian linguistic cultures. The main research methods included lexicographic analysis, content analysis, and comparative analysis. The research allows the author to conclude the following: (1) the semantics of the lexical units under study are largely similar, as are the functions, history, and social meaning of a country house and estates; (2) both concepts reflect the specifics of noble life; in both cultures, country houses are associated with wealth, status and power; (3) an in-depth analysis shows the differences between the two concepts: in English linguistic culture, a “country house” has a connection with the superconcepts “home/house”, is associated with the concept of privacy, isolation, and also reflects a connection with nature. In Russian linguistic culture, “usadba” is associated with landownership and agriculture; (4) in the 20th century, estates were replaced by dachas – this concept has no counterparts in British linguistic culture and has less deep, utilitarian semantics.
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