Comparative Analysis of the Attitude of Teachers and Students to the Problem of Preserving the Health of Students in the Classroom
comparative analysis, students, teachers, attitude to the problem of health preservation, classroom lessonAbstract
In recent years, there has been a decrease in the level of health of students in Russia, including due to the intensification of student academic work, irrational organization of the educational process in the classroom, authoritarianism and a low level of health culture among teachers, as well as other factors. At the same time, university practice is replete with examples of high professionalism of teachers who contribute to the preservation of students' health. The purpose of this study is a comparative analysis of the attitude of teachers and students to the problem of preserving the health of students in the classroom at the university. The study was based on a description of the results of a questionnaire survey conducted in 2023–2024 on the basis of the P.F. Lesgaft National State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Health, St. Petersburg. As a result of the study, the following was revealed: the complete coincidence of the assessment by students and teachers of the factors of reduction and ways to preserve the health of students mainly from the standpoint of a hygienic approach; students more acutely assess the problem of preserving the health of students in the classroom; teachers are aimed at embellishing their activities and its results in this matter; the insufficient level of preparedness of teachers, primarily the motivational component, for health-saving activities in the classroom has been determined. The prospects of the study are the possibility of using the results obtained in the development of a teacher training program for health-oriented activities in the classroom.
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